Matt Hansen

Role At The Port: Matt is the Port's FSO and serves as the Chief of Port Authority. He and his team monitor all Port properties in Astoria and Warrenton, including the marinas, piers, and the airport.
Work History: Matt has worked for the Port of Astoria/Port Authority for 9 years. He was promoted to FSO/Port Authority Chief in June 2022.
Civic Activities: Matt is a member of the City of Astoria Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) and has been a member since 2014. Matt is also a volunteer/member at the Astoria Elks Lodge #180.
Hobbies: In his spare time Matt enjoys being outdoors, fishing and spending time with his friends and family.
Favorite Quote/Saying: “Success is achieved and maintained by those who try and keep trying” -W. Clement Stone